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teletypewriter a device resembling a typewriter, by which messages can be sent or received through telephone or telegraph lines.
teleview to view by way of a television receiver. [2 definitions]
televise to broadcast or receive by television.
television the process of transmitting visual images in the form of electromagnetic waves over distances to be seen on a screen. (abbr.: TV) [3 definitions]
Telex trademark for a communication system allowing subscribers to send and receive teletypewriter messages through the telephone. [3 definitions]
tell to express verbally; relate in spoken or written words. [9 definitions]
tell apart to distinguish (one person or thing) from another.
teller someone or something that tells. [3 definitions]
tellin' present participle of "tell" spelled in a way that reflects rapid, informal, or dialectical speech.
telling having a noticeable or striking effect. [2 definitions]
tell on to reveal the bad behavior of (someone) to a person in authority. [2 definitions]
telltale a person who reveals confidential matters about others; tattler; informer. [3 definitions]
tell time to comprehend the information given by a clock, esp. an analog clock.
tellurian characteristic of or pertaining to the earth or its inhabitants; terrestrial. [3 definitions]
tellurium a chemical element that has fifty-two protons in each nucleus and that is usu. found in compounds, but that can be isolated as a toxic, brittle, silver-white crystal sometimes used in alloys with lead, copper, or iron to increase hardness and machinability. (symbol: Te)
telo- a variant of tele1, tele2.
telpher a cable car suspended from, and run on, overhead electrical wires. [2 definitions]
Telugu a member of a people who live in Andhra Pradesh, India. [3 definitions]
tembleque (Spanish) a fit of trembling, such as that caused by delirium tremens. [2 definitions]
temblor a trembling of the earth; earthquake.
temerity reckless or foolish boldness; rash disregard of danger.