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tsunami a very large, often destructive sea wave caused by a marine earthquake or volcanic explosion.
tsutsugamushi disease see "scrub typhus."
tuatara a large lizardlike reptile of the area near New Zealand.
tub a large low, usu. round, flat-bottomed container used for washing, packing, storing, or the like. [4 definitions]
tuba one of a family of large, oval, brass wind instruments that produce notes in the bass range.
tubal of, concerning, or taking place in a tube, esp. the Fallopian tube.
tubate having, consisting of, or forming a tube or tubes; tubular.
tubby short and plump; chubby.
tub chair a low-backed easy chair the arms of which are even with the back or slope up to it.
tube a hollow cylinder made of glass, metal, or rubber used esp. for holding or conveying liquids. [8 definitions]
tube foot any of numerous small fleshy tubes on the body surfaces of most echinoderms, such as starfish, used in locomotion, securing food, and the like.
tubeless combined form of tube.
tubeless tire a pneumatic tire that uses no inner tube.
tubenose any of various seabirds with tubular nostrils, such as the petrel, shearwater, or albatross.
tube pan a deep round cake pan with a hollow tube extending up through the center.
tuber a short, fleshy, rounded or oblong underground stem, such as the potato, with buds from which new shoots can grow. [2 definitions]
tubercle a small, rounded lump or outgrowth on a plant or animal, as on the roots of some legumes or as sometimes on the skin or a bone. [2 definitions]
tubercle bacillus the bacterium that causes tuberculosis.
tubercular of, related to, or suffering from tuberculosis. [4 definitions]
tuberculin a sterile liquid containing a substance derived from a culture of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, used to diagnose and treat that disease.
tuberculosis a contagious disease of human beings and some animals, caused by a bacterium and characterized by the formation of tubercles on body tissues, esp. in the lungs; TB.