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tyrannicide the killing of a tyrant, or a person who kills a tyrant.
tyrannize to treat or govern cruelly or oppressively; act tyrannically toward. [3 definitions]
Tyrannosaur a large carnivorous North American dinosaur of the Cretaceous period that had small forelimbs and walked on its hind legs; Tyrannosaurus rex.
Tyrannosaurus see "Tyrannosaur."
Tyrannosaurus rex a large carnivorous North American dinosaur of the Cretaceous period that had small forelimbs and walked on its hind legs (often shortened to "T. rex"); Tyrannosaur.
tyrannous arbitrarily cruel, unjust, or oppressive; tyrannical.
tyranny a government in which a single person rules absolutely and despotically. [4 definitions]
tyrant a ruler who governs absolutely and with arbitrary or unjust cruelty and oppression. [3 definitions]
Tyrian purple a natural purple dye formerly obtained from certain snails and shellfish and now made synthetically. [2 definitions]
tyro one who is beginning to learn a business, trade, sport, or the like; novice; neophyte.
tyrosine an amino acid found in proteins that is a precursor of certain hormones and neurotransmitters.
tzar a variant of czar.
tzarevich variant of czarevitch.
tzarina variant of czarina.
tzetze fly variant of tsetse fly.
tzigane (sometimes cap.) pertaining to, consisting of, or characteristic of gypsies. [2 definitions]
U symbol of the chemical element uranium.
U. abbreviation of "University," an educational institution devoted to learning and research and authorized to award degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels (used in a proper name).
u the twenty-first letter of the English alphabet. [4 definitions]
U-2 a U.S. aircraft formerly used for surveillance from very high altitudes.
uakari monkey any of several species of medium-sized, tree-dwelling monkeys with long fur and bald heads that inhabit the Amazon Basin.