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uncontaminated combined form of contaminated.
uncontemplated combined form of contemplated.
uncontemporary combined form of contemporary.
uncontentious combined form of contentious.
uncontested combined form of contested.
uncontracted combined form of contracted.
uncontradicted combined form of contradicted.
uncontrived combined form of contrived.
uncontrollable impossible to control or check.
uncontrolled combined form of controlled.
uncontroversial combined form of controversial.
uncontroversially combined form of controversially.
unconventional not conforming to convention, rule, or custom.
unconverted combined form of converted.
unconvinced combined form of convinced.
unconvincing combined form of convincing.
unconvoyed combined form of convoyed.
uncooked combined form of cooked.
uncooled combined form of cooled.
uncooperative not willing to work with others or comply with external demands, esp. reasonable demands.
uncoordinated combined form of coordinated.