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uncredentialed combined form of credentialed.
uncredited combined form of credited.
uncrippled combined form of crippled.
uncritical not making critical judgments or discriminations, esp. those based on standards.
uncropped combined form of cropped.
uncross to move or release (usu. the legs) from a crossed position.
uncrossable combined form of crossable.
uncrowded combined form of crowded.
uncrushable combined form of crushable.
unction an act of anointing as a ceremonial, symbolic, religious, or healing gesture. [4 definitions]
unctuous excessively or falsely earnest or amiable. [2 definitions]
uncultivable combined form of cultivable.
uncultivated combined form of cultivated.
uncultured lacking culture or refinement.
uncured combined form of cured.
uncurious combined form of curious.
uncurl to straighten.
uncurrent combined form of current.
uncurtained combined form of curtained.
uncustomarily combined form of customarily.
uncustomary combined form of customary.