user-friendly |
easy to use, as a computer or computer application. |
user-generated |
of or relating to content on a website that is freely contributed by people who use the site. |
user ID |
in computing, a name, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network with multiple users. A user ID, also called a "username," is used in conjunction with a password. |
username |
in computing, a name, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network with multiple users. A username, also called a "user ID," is used in conjunction with a password. |
use up |
to completely consume or exhaust; finish. |
usher |
one who escorts people to their seats in a church, theater, stadium, or the like. [6 definitions] |
usherette |
a female usher, as in a theater. |
abbreviation of "United States Information Agency." |
abbreviation of "United States Information Service." |
abbreviation of "United States Marine Corps." |
abbreviation of "United States Navy." |
abbreviation of "United Service Organizations." |
U.S. Open |
a major annual tennis tournament held in the U.S. in late summer, open to all contestants, amateur and professional. |
abbreviation of "United States Ship." |
U.S.S.R. |
abbreviation of "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," formerly, a country, comprising fifteen constituent republics, in eastern Europe and northern Asia; Soviet Union. |
ustulate |
blackened, as if scorched or burnt on the surface. |
usu. |
abbreviation of "usually," in most instances; customarily. |
usual |
encountered, experienced, used, or happening in most instances; customary. [3 definitions] |
usually |
ordinarily or most often; generally; typically. |
usufruct |
in civil law, the right to use or gain the benefits of another's property, provided that one does not damage, waste, or otherwise alter it. |
usurer |
a person who lends money at excessive or illegal rates of interest. |