wand |
a thin stick or rod used by magicians or the like. [3 definitions] |
wander |
to move about with no purpose, aim, or plan, or at no definite pace; roam. [5 definitions] |
Wandering Jew |
in medieval folklore, a Jew condemned to roam the earth until the Second Coming, as a punishment for mocking or striking Jesus Christ before the crucifixion. [2 definitions] |
wanderlust |
a strong, constant desire to travel. |
wane |
of the moon, to gradually decrease in the size of the portion that is illuminated, as seen from the earth. (Cf. wax2). [6 definitions] |
wangle |
(informal) to get or bring about (something) by resorting to tricks and schemes. [2 definitions] |
Wankel engine |
an internal combustion engine that features a triangular rotor revolving in a chamber, and that requires fewer moving parts and is lighter and less efficient than a piston-driven engine. |
wanna |
contraction of "want to" used in some types of writing to reflect how the two words are often pronounced in rapid, informal speech. |
want |
to desire (something); wish for. [14 definitions] |
want ad |
a classified advertisement. |
want in |
(informal) to desire to be included or admitted. |
wanting |
lacking. [4 definitions] |
wanton |
characterized by malice and injustice. [6 definitions] |
want out |
(informal) to desire to be excluded. |
wapiti |
a very large North American deer that has curved antlers with many branches; elk. |
war |
a state or period of open, armed fighting between nations, states, or other groups of people. [5 definitions] |
War Between the States |
the U.S. Civil War, esp. as referred to in the former states of the Confederacy. |
warble1 |
to sing or make sounds with trilling or quivering notes. [3 definitions] |
warble2 |
a lump or swelling under the hide of an animal, caused by the larva of a warble fly. [2 definitions] |
warbler |
any of numerous small, insect-eating American songbirds, many species of which are brightly colored. [3 definitions] |
war bonnet |
a ceremonial headdress worn by some Indians of the North American plains, consisting of a headband with a long trailing extension, both decorated with feathers. |