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white heat a heat so intense that a substance glows white. [2 definitions]
white-hot heated so hot as to glow white. [2 definitions]
White House the official residence of the President of the United States in Washington, D.C. (prec. by "the"). [2 definitions]
white lead a white poisonous compound of basic lead carbonate, lead silicate, or lead sulfate, used as an exterior paint pigment.
white lie a small or harmless lie, often told to spare someone's feelings; well-intentioned fib.
white light light, such as sunlight, that is a mixture of wavelengths ranging from red to violet, each at about the same intensity.
white-livered having little or no courage; cowardly; lily-livered.
white matter the nerve tissue, esp. of the brain and spinal cord, which is fibrous and nearly white. (Cf. gray matter.)
white meat a light-colored meat, such as that of some poultry.
whiten to make or become white.
white noise a sound that is a mixture of all the audible frequencies, each at about the same intensity.
white oak a large oak of eastern North America that has a light gray to white bark, and yields a hard, light-colored wood.
whiteout a weather condition, usu. occurring in polar areas, in which the snow-covered ground blends into a white sky, blotting out the horizon and destroying the sense of depth, direction, and distance.
white paper an official report published by a government agency. [2 definitions]
white pepper a condiment with a sharp flavor prepared by grinding the inner fruit of the East Indian pepper.
white pine a pine of eastern North America that has needles in bundles of five and soft, light wood. [2 definitions]
white poplar a poplar of Europe and Asia, now widely cultivated in the United States, that bears leaves with white or gray down on the undersides.
white sale a sale of sheets, pillowcases, and other household linens.
white sauce a sauce for vegetables, meat, fish, and the like, made of butter, flour, milk, stock, and seasonings.
white shark a very large shark of warm and tropical seas, known to attack humans; great white shark.
white supremacy the belief or doctrine that the white race is naturally superior to other races, esp. blacks, and therefore has the right to dominate and exploit them socially, economically, and politically.