wordlist maker

Wordlist Maker
Wordlist Maker
Make your own wordlist for a personalized vocabulary learning experience
If you have a list of words you want to use, type or copy-paste them into the text input box, change the Settings to "Precise Wordlist", and click "Preview and Save" or "Customize".
If you have a text you want to analyze, you can select one of the two options: "top academic vocabulary words" or "top challenge words" in Wordlist Maker settings.
A. If you are satisfied with the list produced by the automatic text analysis settings, click "Preview and Save"
B. If you want to see all of the words in your text and customize your wordlist, click "Customize". The limit of a saved wordlist is 100 words. But you can type/paste more than 100 words, and then customize your wordlist by clicking "Customize".
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Wordlist maker settings
Definitions from
Parental filter
Word selection default settings
Word selection options:
Multiple Word Expression (e.g., "guide dog", or "put up with" ) detection: