Dictionary Suite

iLoveLanguages 2000 links to language-related sites, including translation services, language lessons, information about languages, multilingual resources.

WordNet:A Lexical Database for English  Nouns, verbs,adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.

WorldWideWords   Updated weekly,  with book reviews and light-hearted articles related to word curiosities, word histories, new words, and usage.

Logos Multilingual publishing resource, including collaborative translators' dictionary.

Special Subject Dictionaries  A huge list of dictionaries covering just about every topic you can think of.

Semantic Rhyming Dictionary What it sounds like: search for rhymes and semantically related words.

Visual Thesaurus  Draws on the WordNet lexical database to create visual representations of word relations.

The Idiom Connection  English Idioms and Quizzes Alphabetized searchable index of idioms.

edsitement Collection of on-line resources for teaching English, foreign languages and humanities.