Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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golden having a shiny, deep yellow color.
grief great sadness.
helmet a hard covering worn to protect the head.
inn a small hotel for people who are travelling.
lightly with little weight or force.
meal1 an occasion when people prepare and eat food at a specific time.
national of or having to do with the whole country, not just one part of it.
piece a section or part separated from the whole.
relief the feeling of not having the pain or worry that you had before.
roof the surface or covering on the top of a building.
sadness the state or quality of being unhappy.
sleep to be in a state of rest for the body and mind. When people sleep, their eyes are closed and they are not conscious.
stuff personal things, or any other type of materials or objects.
super (informal) excellent; very good.
wild living in a natural state.