Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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beat to hit again and again.
dumb (informal) not smart; stupid.
fantastic wildly imaginative and incredible.
golf a game played on a large outdoor course with small holes in the ground spaced far apart. Players use a set of special clubs to hit a small white ball into each of the series of holes. There are nine or eighteen holes in a golf course. The object of the game is to get the ball into each hole using as few strokes as possible.
hear to receive sound with the ears.
honest sincere; saying the truth.
hotel a place with many rooms and beds where people pay money to sleep and eat meals.
jaw either or both of the two bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth.
operator a person whose job is to control a machine.
quickly in a short time; rapidly.
scent a smell.
student a person who goes to a school or college.
sweep to clear the floor of dirt or dust.
unfair against what is right or just.
view the area that can be seen from a particular point.