Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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barrel a large round container with a flat top and bottom that is used to keep liquids. Barrels are often made of wood.
blank without marks or writing.
bright giving a lot of light.
choir a group of people who sing together, especially a group that sings religious music; chorus.
dusty full of or covered with dust.
lawn an area of land where people plant grass and cut it to keep it short.
mouth the part of the body through which an animal eats, breathes, and makes sounds. The mouth is on the face below the nose.
needle a thin tool made of steel with a hole at one end and a sharp point at the other end. You put thread through the hole. Needles are used for sewing.
phone a short form of telephone.
pilot a person who flies an airplane or other aircraft.
ridge a long, narrow, raised section at the top of something; crest.
safe providing protection from harm, loss, or damage; not dangerous.
sell to give something to someone in exchange for money.
sunny having weather in which the sky is blue and clouds do not block the light of the sun.
uniform a special suit of clothing worn by all members of a particular group.