Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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birthday the day on which a person was born, usually celebrated each year on that date.
blouse a loose shirt for women.
bus1 a long motor vehicle with many rows of seats that carries many people.
chimney a tall, hollow structure that carries smoke up through a building and to the outside.
hunter a person who tries to find and kill animals for food.
kiss to touch or press with the lips as a sign of love or respect.
mow to cut down with a blade or machine.
notice see or observe.
rusty covered with rust; not working well.
screen a piece of material made of woven wire. A screen covers a window, door, or other opening.
ski to glide over snow wearing a pair of long, narrow, smooth runners attached to boots.
slip to slide suddenly on a slippery surface.
suck to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips.
wheelchair a chair on wheels that is used by people who cannot walk from place to place.
wish to desire; want.