Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bin a container or space for putting things or storing things such as wood, potatoes, or coal.
crime something that people do that is against the law.
doctor a person whose job is to treat and give medicine to sick people or animals.
enjoy to find pleasure in something.
explore to travel in order to discover or search for something.
fool A person who has poor sense or judgment.
gang a group of people who do things together. These things may be just for fun or may involve crime.
holder an object used for holding.
hole an open or hollow place in something.
marker a pen, usually with a felt tip, that makes thick lines of ink and is used for writing and drawing.
nap1 to sleep for a short time during daylight hours.
partner someone who owns and runs a business with another person.
rug a piece of thick material used to cover part of a floor.
spark a very small bit of hot and glowing material thrown off by burning wood.
stray to wander away from a group or place.