Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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announce to tell or make known.
bicycle a light vehicle with two wheels, one behind the other. You make the wheels turn by pushing on pedals.
crystal a solid substance that has a repeating pattern of flat surfaces.
disgust to cause a strong feeling against something; to cause someone to feel sick.
forget to not remember.
glance a quick look.
happiness the feeling of having joy or being glad.
material anything used for building or making new things. Wood, metal, paint, and paper are examples of materials.
mysterious not known and not able to be explained.
nor a word we often use along with the word "neither" in a sentence. "Neither" means not either of two things. If neither your mother nor your father says you can have a dog, then not one of your parents says you can have one.
pin a thin piece of metal with a sharp point and flat or round head. Pins are used to fasten or attach pieces of cloth or similar material.
river a large natural stream of water that flows toward a lake, ocean, or other larger body of water.
squash1 to press into a flat mass.
stare to look straight at something with your eyes open wide and not moving.
usual most common; normal.