Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cook to prepare food for eating by using heat.
edge a line where two sides or surfaces meet.
fact something known or proved to be true.
famous recognized by or well known to the public.
fully in a way that is complete, entire, or thorough; totally.
grab to take hold of suddenly or with force.
harden to make less soft or more rigid.
idea any thought or picture formed in the mind.
independence freedom from outside control.
print to put words and pictures onto a surface using a machine.
rainbow a curved arc of light of many colors across the sky. Rainbows are caused by the sun's shining through drops of water during or after a rain.
slow not moving fast or not able to move fast.
snoop to look into others' affairs or possessions in a secret way.
soil1 the top layer of the earth's surface; dirt.
weather the conditions outside. Weather concerns such things as temperature, rain, snow, sun, and other things.