Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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awhile for a short time.
barrel a large round container with a flat top and bottom that is used to keep liquids. Barrels are often made of wood.
behave to act in a certain way.
driver a person who drives, or a person whose job is to drive.
fin a thin, flat body part of a fish and certain other water animals which is used for swimming or balance.
nasty very bad to look at, smell, or taste.
news information about important events happening in the present. The news is presented on television or radio or in a newspaper or magazine.
plate a flat, round dish for food.
recipe a list of foods and instructions for cooking something.
report a statement or story about something that has happened.
sack a large bag made of thick paper or other strong material. A sack is used to hold grain, potatoes, supplies, or other heavy things.
sailor a member of the navy who works aboard a ship.
service the work of a person who does things for other people.
team a group formed to play or work together.
twin either of two children or animals born at the same time to one mother.