Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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basic necessary as a base. Things that are basic need to be learned first or done first.
block a solid piece of hard material with flat sides.
blond having a light yellow color.
candle a stick of wax with a string through the middle. The string burns and gives off light.
collection a group of things of the same type that someone has brought together.
fail to not succeed in trying to do something.
forward toward a place or time that is further on or in the future; ahead.
loaf a single quantity of bread the way it is just after it is baked and before it is cut into slices.
maybe it may be so; perhaps.
really in fact; actually.
reflection heat, light, or an image that bounces off an object or surface.
slime a slippery liquid, such as thin mud or the slippery substance on fish.
sprinkle to drop or scatter in small pieces.
untrue not correct or accurate; false.
wheelbarrow a device used to carry rocks, soil, leaves, and other materials for short distances. A wheelbarrow has one or two wheels, two legs at the back, and handles for a person to push.