Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afford to have enough money for; be able to pay for.
climb to move up or go towards the top.
close to shut.
coffin a box in which a dead person is buried.
drum an instrument for playing music that has a hollow round shape and a tight covering over an open end. You play a drum by hitting its surface with your hands or sticks.
dump a place owned by a town or city where people can bring garbage.
fetch to go somewhere, pick up something, and bring it back.
handkerchief a small piece of thin cloth that you use to clean your nose.
icicle a long, thin piece of ice that hangs from something.
matter all substances of the universe that can be seen, touched, or measured.
peek to look for a short time or in secret.
rate the speed or pace at which something is done.
softly in a way that makes little sound; quietly.
table a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more legs.
underwater below the water's surface.