Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blush to become red in the face because of shame or embarrassment.
bridge a structure that goes over something such as a river or road so that people can travel from one side to the other.
inventor one who conceives of or makes something new.
jail a building in which a government keeps people who have broken a law.
matter all substances of the universe that can be seen, touched, or measured.
meet to see and begin to know someone; be introduced to.
mix to put different things together so that the parts become one.
narrow not wide.
official a person who holds an office in a business or government.
promise to state, in a way that makes someone feel sure, that something will happen or will be done.
skirt a piece of clothing that hangs from the waist and is open all around the bottom.
splendid beautiful or grand; making a strong impression.
temper a usual state of mind of manner of feeling.
unlock to open the lock of something.
wax a solid yellow substance that is made with fats or oils. It melts when you heat it for a short time.