Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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alert to warn or make aware.
chop to cut with a sharp tool such as an ax.
crunch to chew with a crackling noise; crush by biting.
edge a line where two sides or surfaces meet.
liberty freedom from being confined or controlled.
lobby to try to influence people who make laws to vote in a way that supports what the group wants.
lucky resulting from or having good fortune.
poem a piece of writing different from ordinary writing in its special form, rhythm, and beautiful or interesting language. Poems are often short and express feelings. They sometimes use words that rhyme.
polite showing good manners.
pretend to imagine or make believe.
ridge a long, narrow, raised section at the top of something; crest.
route a road or way of travel from one place to another.
space the area that contains the entire universe beyond the earth.
spray water or other liquid flying or falling through the air in fine drops; mist.
travel to go from place to place.