Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aboard on or into a ship, plane, bus, or plane; on board.
agricultural having to do with growing crops or raising farm animals.
arch a curved structure made out of stone or brick and used to span an open space such as a door.
briefly in a way that is not lengthy; for a short time.
carriage a vehicle with wheels that is covered or enclosed and is used for carrying people.
civic of or having to do with citizens or citizenship.
competition the process or act of trying to win.
howl to utter or make a long, loud, sad sound like that of a wolf or dog.
investigate to look into carefully and closely so as to learn the facts; examine.
meadow an open field of grass that is growing wild or is used for pasture or to grow hay. A meadow usually contains wildflowers and weeds as well.
observer one who watches or listens.
recent having to do with or happening in the very near past.
socket an opening into which something fits or is put.
strategic related to the planning of a series of actions that are meant to lead to a large goal, especially in war.
twilight the faint light in the sky when the sun is below the horizon before sunrise and after sunset.