Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aboard on or into a ship, plane, bus, or plane; on board.
acquire to get or come to have as one's own.
championship the position or title of champion.
congratulate to praise and express pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
define to explain or state the meaning of.
directly without space or action in between.
disagree to differ in opinion.
distinguish to tell apart by seeing differences (often followed by "from").
entirely completely; in every way.
impatient not willing or able to wait calmly.
network a system that involves a number of persons or groups.
pattern an arrangement of shapes, lines, letters, numbers, or colors that can be repeated or used again and again.
relative a person who belongs to the same family as someone else.
rely to trust or depend (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
unable not having the power, skill, or means needed to do something; not able.