Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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desperately with a sense of extreme urgency, need, or despair.
forlorn desolate or unhappy, as from abandonment or weariness.
guzzle to drink or eat very quickly and in a large amount, as if greedy or in great need.
involve to have as a necessary part or result; include.
lawyer one whose job is to help people with legal matters and represent them in court; attorney.
method a way of doing something.
museum a building where collections of objects that are important to history, art, or science are kept and shown to the public.
procedure a series of steps that must be taken in order to do something.
refresh to bring back the energy or spirits of.
scrimp to save in every way possible; to spend very little.
several being an amount that is more than "a few" but less than "many."
sharp having a thin edge or a fine point.
stride to walk with long, even steps.
tinge to give a slight color to.
visitor one who comes to see someone or something.