Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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basin an open, shallow bowl used to hold water for washing.
batch an amount used or produced at one time.
cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers and usually covered by a door or doors. Cabinets are used to store or hold objects.
computer an electronic device that is used to store and sort information and work with data at a high speed.
definite clear or exact.
educator a person who teaches.
entertain to amuse; keep interested.
grammatical of or having to do with the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language.
invade to enter as an enemy, by force, in order to conquer or plunder.
metropolis a large city.
operation the act or process of working or running.
peculiar odd, strange, or unusual.
shrill having a high, sharp sound.
throb to beat or pulse quickly and strongly.
underneath below or beneath; under.