Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bravery the quality or condition of not feeling fear; courage.
ease freedom from pain, worry, or hard work.
entirely completely; in every way.
gadget a small tool or device with a clever design or unusual use.
gland a group of cells or an organ that produces fluids that are released into the body or pass out of the body.
medication a medicine or drug.
passion any strong feeling or emotion.
refresh to bring back the energy or spirits of.
skit a short, usually funny play.
slumber to sleep lightly.
span the stretch or reach between two points.
stunt1 to stop or slow the growth of.
stutter to repeat sounds when speaking, as if unable to complete or begin certain words.
surgery an operation done by a surgeon.
tribal of or relating to a group of people having the same ancestors, customs, and other characteristics.