Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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claustrophobia an abnormal fear of being in closed or confined places.
concept a general idea or thought.
consumption the act or process of using up or consuming.
derive to obtain from a particular source (usually followed by "from").
discount an amount taken away from the full or regular price or cost.
eccentric not behaving or thinking in an ordinary or accepted way; odd; peculiar.
encase to enclose.
fluctuation unsteadiness; vacillation.
intermediate being or happening between two things, stages, positions, or persons; being in the middle.
locale a place, especially as the setting of some event.
prolific producing young or new growth in abundance; fertile.
purify to make clean or pure.
sermon a talk given during a religious service.
subdivide to make smaller divisions in something already divided.
uproar a loud, confused disturbance; commotion.