Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abusive characterized by offensive or unfair language.
administrate to manage, handle, or supervise.
agitate to cause to move in a quick, tumbling motion or with force; shake.
compensation something given in return for or to make up for something else.
conceptual of or pertaining to ideas or their formation.
consequently as a result; therefore.
data facts, figures, or other pieces of information that can be used to learn about something. The word "data" is the plural form of "datum," but is often used with a singular verb.
evasive serving to allow one to avoid, escape, or fail to perform something.
mainstream agreeing with or shaped by the main trends and most common opinions of a group or society.
marvel a thing, person, or event that causes wonder or amazement.
mite1 a tiny animal that is related to the spider. Most mites are parasites and live on other animals or plants.
petition a formal, written request by many people that is made to a person in authority.
provoke to make angry, annoyed, or emotional; bring to action.
significant being or causing something of importance.
tempt to try to get (someone) to do something wrong or not wise by offering or seeming to offer something very desirable.