Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adhesive able or likely to stick to something; clinging.
category a particular section of a main group; class.
certainty the state of being sure or confident.
daub to smear or cover with something soft and sticky, such as paint.
disgruntle to make irritably dissatisfied or discontent.
fragile easily broken; delicate.
ideological of or concerning basic beliefs, concepts, and social and political aims of an individual, group, or institution.
merge to mix or combine into a single unit.
obsolete no longer in use.
productive making or producing easily or in large amounts.
purely just; absolutely.
quagmire an unpleasant situation that is difficult to escape.
quay a pier, wharf, or other landing place for loading and unloading boats or ships.
succession the act or process of following or coming after something or someone else.
thermal using, resulting from, or producing heat.