Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous.
agony great or intense pain and suffering in the mind or body, usually over a long period of time.
convergence the point, line, or the like at which lines, planes, or objects meet.
document a written or printed paper that gives factual information or proof of something. Birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports are kinds of documents.
fictional existing only in a made-up story and not existing in real life.
garland a wreath, chain, or string worn for celebration or decoration. Garlands are made of flowers, leaves, or vines.
interpersonal of or pertaining to a relationship or interaction between people.
meditation sustained thought or self-forgetful concentration, especially for the purposes of religious devotion or relaxation.
mite1 a tiny animal that is related to the spider. Most mites are parasites and live on other animals or plants.
plead to ask for something in a sincere or serious way.
proclaim to say or state for the public to know.
progressive moving steadily forward.
region a large space or area.
treacherous betraying or likely to betray trust; false.
violation the act of breaking or breaching a law, rule, or agreement.