Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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blemish to damage or spoil the perfection of.
circulate to move or flow along a closed path or system.
deform to damage the shape or form of.
evasive serving to allow one to avoid, escape, or fail to perform something.
expectation the act of waiting for or looking forward to.
monarchy government by or in the name of a king, queen, or similar ruler, whose power may be strong or limited.
proliferation the act of spreading or multiplying rapidly.
psychological of or having to do with psychology.
rout1 a confused retreat of troops after they have been beaten.
spacious having plenty of space.
spectator one that watches or observes.
subscribe to agree to pay for a certain number of issues of a publication such as a magazine.
toxic acting as or like a poison; injurious or deadly.
tranquillity the condition or quality of being peaceful, untroubled, or calm; serenity.
untreated receiving no medical care or remedy.