Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abrade to rub away by friction; erode.
ascendant moving upward; rising.
auspice (usually plural) sponsorship or protection; patronage.
expedient suitable or advantageous for the purpose or in the circumstances.
finesse refined and delicate skill or tact in executing a task or coping with a situation.
labyrinthine complex and intricate to the point of being puzzling.
odium hatred, strong dislike, or repugnance.
odorous having or giving off a distinctive or strong smell.
profiteer a person who gains excessive profits, especially by selling scarce commodities at very high prices.
remonstrance the act or an instance of protesting or objecting.
retroactive going into operation or effect as of a previous date, or in respect to past events or circumstances.
sheathe to put in a tight, protective case.
therapeutic of, pertaining to, or capable of healing; curative.
unctuous excessively or falsely earnest or amiable.
valediction a farewell speech, especially one given by a student of the highest honors at a graduation ceremony.