Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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appease to cause to become calmer by meeting demands.
aver to assert to be true; affirm.
compile to gather information together to form one written work.
encampment a place where a rough, temporary living area has been set up.
equivocate to express oneself ambiguously, often to avoid giving a direct answer or to deceive.
hypocrite a person who pretends to be different or better than he or she really is. Someone who does not act according to his or her stated beliefs is a hypocrite.
impassable impossible to go past, through, over, or around.
lummox (informal) someone who is especially clumsy, slow, and unintelligent.
motley made up of a contrasting variety of types, appearances, or the like; very heterogeneous.
pessimist one who usually expects a bad outcome.
preponderance superiority in amount, strength, significance, weight, or the like.
rostrum a raised platform or dais for public speaking.
sedentary involving or characterized by sitting or little physical activity.
stricture that which restricts or constrains.
suffice to meet the needs, goals, or the like of; be adequate for.