Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cogitate to think over something carefully or at length.
conscript a military recruit summoned by draft; draftee.
crony a close friend or ally (often used pejoratively).
deducible able to be concluded or inferred from certain facts or principles.
facilitate to make less difficult; help in the doing of.
frugality prudent or sparing use of resources, especially money.
imperceptible so gradual or subtle as to be unnoticed or unnoticeable.
implausible hard to believe or credit.
meditative disposed to, marked by, or indicating contemplation or reflection; deeply thoughtful.
nominal in name alone.
nonchalance cool confidence and unconcern; casual indifference.
phenomenal amazing or extraordinary.
synopsis a short statement giving an overview, the main principles, or the sequence of events of a narrative, argument, article, or the like; summary; abstract.
tactile of, having, or pertaining to the sense of touch.
vignette a brief written or musical sketch, or brief film scene, that describes or characterizes a person, incident, situation, or the like.