Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abject of the lowest or most wretched kind.
criminality the condition or fact of being against the law; illegality.
dormer a window set vertically into a projecting structure on a sloping roof.
indigent without financial means to live; needy; poor.
linguistic of or pertaining to language or the study of language.
perverse stubbornly opposed to what is expected or requested of one, or marked by or inclined toward such an attitude.
prologue an introduction to a spoken or written work such as a speech or play; preface.
ravenous very hungry; starved.
redolent suggesting or recalling (usually followed by "of").
reputable known to be held in esteem; respected.
sobriety abstinence from alcohol; temperance.
susceptible easily influenced or impressed (usually followed by "to").
umbrage a feeling of offense, irritation, or resentment.
unseemly not in accord with accepted social standards; improper; indecorous.
venerate to treat or regard with great respect, honor, or reverence.