Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acumen superior insight; quickness and shrewdness of judgment, especially in practical matters.
adversity a condition of trouble or difficulty.
alienate to cause to become unfriendly or averse; estrange.
bravado a false, exaggerated, or boastful display of courage.
decadence a decline into immorality; loss of moral values.
expurgate to remove from a book or the like material considered to be offensive or erroneous prior to publication.
exuberance the condition or quality of being vigorously happy or high-spirited.
novice a person with little or no experience at a particular job or activity.
polemic an emphatic statement of a controversial viewpoint, usually criticizing or refuting an existing position.
populist a person, especially a political leader, who represents, or claims to represent, the interests and concerns of the common people rather than the privileged, the politically powerful, or the intelligentsia.
propitiate to overcome the disfavor or distrust of; conciliate; appease.
quorum the number of members that an organization's rules require to attend a meeting in order for voting or other business to take place.
rebate a part of a payment that is returned.
recurrent happening again or repeatedly.
soliloquy an act of talking or a speech by one who is, or is considered to be, alone.