Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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claimant one who alleges something to be true or demands something as one's right.
dextrous variant of dexterous.
indiscretion lack of judgment, prudence, or restraint, especially in regard to the rights or feelings of other people.
mettlesome spirited or courageous.
nonpartisan not influenced or determined by the policies or interests of a political party.
novice a person with little or no experience at a particular job or activity.
partisan devoted to or favoring a particular cause, group, political party, or the like.
petulant showing or inclined to show sudden or unreasonable irritation, impatience, or ill temper; peevish or sulky.
pseudonym a false name adopted by someone, especially an author, to conceal his or her identity; pen name.
psychosis serious mental disorder that affects all aspects of the personality and involves withdrawal from reality.
remunerative providing or likely to provide payment or reward; profitable.
solvent having enough funds to meet obligations.
sundry of various kinds; miscellaneous.
sustenance nourishment that maintains life; food.
swathe to wrap up, enfold, or bind, especially with a wrapping material or bands.