Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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absurdity the condition or quality of being absurd, of being completely contrary to logic or the normal order of things.
bonanza anything that brings great wealth and prosperity.
decimation the act of destroying a large part or number of something.
derange to cause to be mentally ill.
dispensary a room in an institution, such as a hospital, in which medical supplies are kept and given out.
epithet a word or phrase attached to, or used in place of, a given name.
flaccid without firmness; soft; flabby.
guile deceitfulness, treachery, or skillful cunning; wiliness.
infringe to cross established limits; encroach; trespass (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
inquisition an official inquiry, especially for the purpose of enforcing political, social, or religious conformity.
memoir an account of facts or events based primarily on the author's personal experience.
phenomenal amazing or extraordinary.
prevalent generally accepted; pervasive; widespread.
squalor living conditions that are filthy, or the state of being dirty or foul.
unnoticed not seen, perceived, or discovered.