Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aftermath the result or consequence of an event.
atheist a person who believes that there is no god or gods.
cogent convincing, or compelling by virtue of a strong argument or clear presentation.
discrepancy lack of agreement; difference; inconsistency.
dogged persistent or stubborn.
gauche deficient in manners or other conventions of social behavior; boorish; crude.
intercede to act as a mediator in a dispute or disagreement.
lateral about, from, or toward a side or sides; sideways.
obtuse not keen or quick to notice, feel, or comprehend; dull or insensitive.
outmoded no longer in keeping with current standards or practices; obsolete.
renovate to put in good condition by repairing, remodeling, or the like; refurbish.
spat1 a short, slight quarrel.
spendthrift one who is extravagant or wasteful with money; squanderer.
variegate to make varied or give variety to, especially by making multicolored.
waylay to attack or accost unexpectedly after lying in wait for.