Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alleviate to make (trouble or pain) easier to tolerate or accept; ease.
capitalist one who supports an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned, and prices are chiefly determined by open competition in a free market.
devoid not having something; totally lacking.
enrapture to cause to be in rapture or to be ecstatically joyful.
exchangeable capable of being interchanged with or given in return for another.
fiasco an utter and shameful failure.
idealist a person with high or noble principles, goals, or codes of action.
incise to cut into the surface of.
intercede to act as a mediator in a dispute or disagreement.
leer to give a sideways or nasty look or smile suggestive of malicious or sexual thoughts.
misrepresent to identify or describe in a misleading way.
pellucid extremely clear in meaning.
pessimistic feeling in a negative way about things; expecting the worst to happen.
promontory a high cliff that sticks out into a large body of water or that rises above an area of lower land.
purge to free or rid (usually followed by "of" or "from").