Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cognate having a common origin, as languages.
corpulent fat; portly; obese.
demur to object or indicate opposition to something.
fiasco an utter and shameful failure.
impecunious lacking funds; penniless.
impiety lack of reverence or respect, especially for what others consider sacred.
implicate to involve or prove involvement of (someone or something) in an affair, situation, event, or series of events.
interdependent relying on or needing one another.
intractable not easily controlled, managed, or persuaded.
petite of a girl or woman, short and slender.
problematic presenting difficulties or causing doubt; questionable.
prosaic straightforward and plain; unimaginative; dull.
reminiscent having qualities or characteristics that remind one of someone or something (usually followed by "of").
residue a substance or quantity that remains after a part has been removed or after a process has been completed.
vestige a visible trace or sign of something no longer present or existing.