Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acumen superior insight; quickness and shrewdness of judgment, especially in practical matters.
allure to attract strongly by appealing to people's inner wishes; tempt.
cabal a small group of people engaged in a secret plot, usually of a political nature.
condole to express sympathy or sorrow for one suffering misfortune or pain.
conscript a military recruit summoned by draft; draftee.
copious abundant in number or quantity; plentiful.
expatriate one who has gone into exile from or renounced allegiance to his or her native land.
idolatry unquestioning or excessive devotion or adoration.
inferiority the fact or condition of being lesser in quality, worth, importance, rank, or position.
intemperate lacking moderation or restraint; excessive, overindulgent, violent, or the like.
manifesto a public statement of principles and intentions, usually by an organized political group or person.
odorous having or giving off a distinctive or strong smell.
onus an unwanted but necessary task; burden.
perfectionist one who tends not to be satisfied with less than flawless performance from herself or himself.
renovate to put in good condition by repairing, remodeling, or the like; refurbish.