Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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dais a raised platform for speakers or the seating of special guests.
disparage to depreciate or belittle, especially in speech.
dispensary a room in an institution, such as a hospital, in which medical supplies are kept and given out.
emulate to try to be the same as or better than (another person), especially by imitating.
feasible capable of being done, carried out, or brought about; likely to succeed.
immobility the state or condition of not moving or being motionless.
immutable not subject to change; unchanging or unchangeable.
impede to slow or block the movement or progress of; hinder.
intercede to act as a mediator in a dispute or disagreement.
objectivity the quality of being unbiased or without prejudice.
posthumous beginning, occurring, or continuing after one's death.
scandalous causing, or likely to cause, a scandal; shocking; disgraceful.
typify to be the representative example of.
unassailable not open to attack, doubt, or denial.
vouch to promise to be true, real, or correct (usually followed by "for").