Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abash to cause to feel embarrassed, uneasy, or ashamed.
atavism the recurrence or reappearance of a particular trait, style, attitude, or behavior that seemed to have disappeared, or that which has recurred or reappeared after such an absence.
decedent in law, one who has died.
deracinate to pull up by or as if by the roots; uproot; isolate; exile.
diatribe a bitter, abusive attack in speech or writing.
disallow to refuse to allow or admit; reject.
Draconian (often lower case) harshly cruel or rigorous.
equipoise a state of balance or equal weight, importance, or the like; equilibrium.
fulminate to vehemently denounce or criticize something.
heinous extremely wicked or despicable; atrocious.
inanition a state of exhaustion caused by a lack of nourishment.
lenitive mitigating pain, discomfort, or distress; soothing.
misanthrope someone who hates or distrusts humanity.
parsimonious excessively frugal; stingy.
pathos a quality in life or art that evokes pity, sadness, or compassion.