Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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aplomb great self-confidence, composure, or poise.
astute keen in understanding and judgment; shrewd.
benign causing little or no harm.
cession the act of formally giving up or signing over, as a territory; ceding.
coir the fiber made from coconut husks, used for matting, rope, or the like.
deign to consider some act to be appropriate or in keeping with one's dignity; condescend.
effrontery shameless impudence; insolence.
garrulous given to talking excessively.
interdict to deter or impede by the steady use of firepower.
irrefragable impossible to refute or dispute; undeniable.
laconic using very few words; succinct; terse.
lorgnette eyeglasses, such as opera glasses, that have a short handle by which one holds them in position.
nostrum a favorite but unproven scheme or theory, offered as a remedy for social or political problems; panacea.
peripatetic walking or traveling around; going from place to place; itinerant.
stately dignified.