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ayatollah in the Shiite religion, a title awarded to a leader advanced in the study of Islamic law.
cadi a Muslim judge whose decisions are based on Islamic religious law.
Comoros an African country comprising three of the Comoro Islands; Federal and Islamic Republic of Comoros.
dinar any of several silver or gold coins formerly in circulation in the Middle East, esp. in Islamic nations. [1/8 definitions]
genie in Islamic mythology, a usu. impish supernatural being, often in human form, that will do one's bidding, esp. grant one's wishes; jinn; jinni.
ghoul an evil demon, esp. one of Islamic legend that eats people and corpses. [1/3 definitions]
hijab the religious dress code that governs the veiling of the head, hair, and neck for women in some Islamic societies. [1/2 definitions]
Mauritania a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Western Sahara and Senegal; Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
Pakistan a country in southern Asia. Pakistan is also called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.
salaam a ceremonial salutation, used esp. in Islamic cultures, that means "peace be with you". [1/3 definitions]
sharia (often cap.) Islamic law based on the teachings of the Koran.
sultan the ruler of an Islamic country.
ulema a body of Muslim scholars with specialist knowledge of Islam and Islamic law.