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Dictionary Suite
academician one who belongs to an organization, such as an academy, that promotes learning. [1/2 definitions]
Academy Award an award given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievement in motion picture production and performance, also called an Oscar.
Annapolis the U.S. Naval Academy located there. [1/2 definitions]
cadet a student in a military academy; person training to be a military officer.
conservatoire a school or academy for the arts; conservatory.
Grammy any of various awards given annually in the United States by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievement in the recording industry.
manège a school for this art; riding academy. [1/3 definitions]
middy (informal) a student at the U.S. Naval Academy; midshipman. [1/2 definitions]
Oscar see "Academy Award." [2 definitions]
plebe a freshman in a military academy.
West Point the oldest military post in the U.S. and the seat of the U.S. Military Academy, located north of New York City on the western bank of the Hudson River.