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Aegean of, pertaining to, located in, or bordering on the Aegean Sea. [2/3 definitions]
archipelago (cap.) the Aegean Sea. [1/3 definitions]
Balkan Peninsula a European peninsula between the Adriatic Sea on the west and the Black and Aegean Seas on the east. Some of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula are Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Serbia, and Bulgaria.
Icaria an island southwest of Samos in the Aegean Sea, which, according to Greek mythology, was named by Daedalus in honor of his son Icarus, whom he buried there.
Ionia a region along the Aegean Sea of western Asia Minor (present day Turkey) colonized by ancient Greeks. [1/2 definitions]
Ionian of or pertaining to Ionia, a region along the Aegean Sea of western Asia Minor (present day Turkey) colonized by Ancient Greeks. [1/2 definitions]
Kikonia a city in eastern Thrace on the Aegean Sea.
Kikonian of or pertaining to Kikonia, a city in eastern Thrace on the Aegean Sea. [1/3 definitions]
Lebynthos an island in the Aegean Sea over which, according to Greek mythology, Daedalus and Icarus flew while escaping Crete.
Maeander ancient name of the Menderes River which flows through western Turkey into the Aegean Sea.
Samos a Greek island in the North Aegean Sea, which, in Greek mythology, was part of the kingdom of Odysseus.
Thrace a wine producing region in the east of the Balkan Peninsula north of the Aegean Sea, colonized by ancient Greeks and encompassing parts of present day Greece, Bulgaria, and Turkey.