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Dictionary Suite
alive animated; energetic. [1/4 definitions]
animate to fill (a movie or the like) with animated figures or objects. [1/9 definitions]
animation the condition or quality of being animated; liveliness; vivacity. [3/4 definitions]
animato in a lively and animated style or manner (used as a musical direction).
animator a person who creates or helps to create animated cartoons.
anime an animated film or video that, typically, is of Japanese origin, is richly illustrated, and employs magical characters and themes.
cartoon a motion picture made by filming a series of drawings; animated cartoon. [1/2 definitions]
effervescent in high, cheerful spirits; lively; animated. [1/2 definitions]
Mickey Mouse1 animated mouse character created in 1928 by U.S. cartoonist, Walt Disney. [1/3 definitions]
Mickey Mouse2 an animated animal character created in the 1920s and known worldwide.
mosso in a rapid and animated manner; fast (used as a musical direction).
peppy full of energy or pep; lively; animated.
unanimated combined form of animated.
vivacious full of life and spirit; animated.
warm to become enthusiastic or animated (often fol. by "to" or "toward"). [1/14 definitions]